CSS selectors are used to target and select specific HTML elements for styling. Here are some of the most commonly used CSS selectors:

Element selector

Targets all elements of a specific type. For example, p selects all <p> elements.

<p>My super paragraph!</p>
p {
  color: blue;
  text-align: center;

Class selector

Targets elements with a specific class attribute value. For example, .my-class selects all elements with class="my-class".

<p class="my-class">My super paragraph!</p>

ID selector

Targets a specific element with a unique ID attribute value. For example, #my-id selects the element with id="my-id".

<p id="my-id">My super paragraph!</p>

Attribute selector

Targets elements with a specific attribute or attribute value. For example, [type="text"] selects all elements with type="text".

<p type="text">My super paragraph!</p>

Descendant selector

Targets elements that are descendants of a specific parent element. For example, div p selects all <p> elements that are descendants of <div> elements.

  <p>My super paragraph!</p>
div p {

Child selector

Targets elements that are direct children of a specific parent element. For example, div > p selects all <p> elements that are direct children of <div> elements.

  <p>My super paragraph!</p>
div > p {

Adjacent sibling selector

Targets an element that is immediately preceded by another specific element. For example, h1 + p selects the <p> element that immediately follows an <h1> element.

<p>My super paragraph!</p> <!--This one will be selected -->
<p>My super paragraph!</p>
h1 + p {


Targets elements based on a specific state or condition. For example, a:hover selects <a> elements when the mouse is hovering over them.

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Targets a specific part of an element. For example, ::before targets the content before an element.

  content: url(abc.gif);

Universal selector

Targets all elements on the page. For example, * selects all elements.

<p>My super paragraph 1!</p>
<p>My super paragraph 2!</p>
<p>My super paragraph 3!</p>
<p>My super paragraph 4!</p>

These are just a few examples of the most common CSS selectors. There are many more, each serving a specific purpose. Understanding and effectively using them is essential for styling elements on a webpage.